Are You Experiencing A Building-Related Illness
Released on = May 15, 2007, 2:35 pm
Press Release Author = James Hewitt RN
Industry = Healthcare
Press Release Summary = James P. Hewitt, RN wrote Sick Building Syndrome to help others learn about this poorly understood syndrome that affects many people worldwide. Mr. Hewitt with the publication of Sick Building Syndrome educates the reader about a health niche that is poorly understood by the public at large.
Press Release Body = Did you know that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has in the past, defined indoor air pollution as one of the most significant environmental threats to human health? This syndrome is relatively unknown and poorly researched. The causes of how a building can be considered "sick" will be explained and discussed. The prevention and some solutions for the syndrome, known as SBS, will be discussed. The ventilation issues that promote SBS will be broached. Chemical contamination, such as outdoor and indoor contaminants will be reviewed. Biological contamination caused by bacteria, viruses, and molds will be explained extensively. The book reviews methods for the prevention of SBS and offer some solutions. This will benefit you and the people who work, live, or play in the building. In the last chapter the book will explain in detail about a plan for the creation of a Team to monitor your building and any complaints regarding SBS.
This book is available for purchase Barnes & Noble, Borders Books,, and directly from the publisher
Web Site = http://
Contact Details = James Hewitt RN
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